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Posted on Jul 27, 2009 by Chung-hong Chan

康港和梳打埠的所謂「選舉」都犯下了一個大問題,就是假戲當真戲來做,勞民傷財。明明人人都知這個所謂「選舉」都是假戲,亳無民主普選成份,何須做假的提名、宣傳政綱、記者招待會?最難看的一台戲,叫做投票及唱票。一個候選人, 297 張所謂有效選票,叫了 282 次崔世安。反正都是做假,不如拍手通過算吧。
古時中華民國在港辦報,如香港時報,會將中共有關的字眼用引號 ((原文寫作括號,感謝讀者記號士指正。)) 作識別,如「人民幣」、「人大代表」,因為這些語言在中華民國標準是假的。而且會拼死的將北京稱為北平,因為北京這個地名在中華民國時期根本不存在,只有南京。香港在報道梳打埠特首「選舉」,就算最反共最愛鼓動性新聞的生果報,也非常客氣的稱為「澳門 300人小圈子特首選舉」,最低限都要將選舉兩字引著,根本就應該叫做假「選舉」,真祝福,真獨裁。看看紐時怎樣引述路透社報道這場鬧劇:

No Surprises as Gambling Hub Macau Gets New Leader

A low-key official was endorsed on Sunday by a small, pro-Beijing electoral college as Macau's next chief executive, with no changes expected in gaming policy in the Chinese-ruled gambling hub.

Fernando Chui was the sole candidate in the race for the former Portuguese colony's chief, but he still required the formal backing of a 300-member election committee.

The territory's half million people have no direct say on who their next leader will be.

整篇報道都沒有用到 elected, election 之類。洋人記者明確的指出了,這個新特首只是 endorsed (贊同認可)及 backing (撐)的。這場鬧劇不是 election 而是 endorsement 。

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